simply salad

I love a big, delicious salad for dinner. It not only is a healthier option than many other things, but I always feel better after eating one before bed, as opposed to eating a big bowl of pasta, for example. Lately my boyfriend and I have been trying to eat better (because apparently the first few months of living together included eating extremely unhealthy). Last night I made a huge salad full of delicious toppings. It was extremely simple to make. I first put boneless, skinless chicken breasts in the oven (seasoned as you wish). While that was cooking, I started the salad. My base was shredded lettuce. My toppings included shredded carrots, reduced fat shredded cheese (just a handful), tomatoes, raisins, and a small handful of Ramen noodles (for added crunch). My dressing consisted of oil, vinegar, and Good Seasons Italian Mix. Once the chicken was done, I cut it up, threw it on top, and tossed it all together. While not every single ingredient in my salad was what one would call ‘healthy’ (all of us probably know Ramen from our binging college days), I believe everything in moderation is just fine. It was leaps and bounds healthier than what dinner could have been, trust me. Next time you’re in the mood for a big, delicious salad, give this one a whirl. Even those in your life who aren’t salad lovers will still love it.


My next guest post is up on Ali Ro’s My Life. It’s all about a date night ensemble. Be sure to check it out here. Enjoy!


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  1. J Umm wrote:

    this is incred, love the photos
    Great post, thanks for sharing!

    if you like we can follow each other on bloglovin 🙂
    let me know!

    Posted 8.21.12 Reply
  2. Alyssa wrote:

    Yum! Salads are my favorite things to pull together last minute–this one looks delish! By the way, I nominated you for a blog award over on my blog today–you’re one of my favorite reads! xo

    The Glossy Life

    Posted 8.21.12 Reply
    • Julie wrote:

      Thank you so so much again! 🙂 Made my day! xo, Julie

      Posted 8.21.12 Reply
  3. shanna wrote:

    mmmm…that salad looked delicious!! “everything in moderation” hehe so true!

    Posted 8.21.12 Reply
  4. mmm yum!
    Xo Megan

    Posted 8.22.12 Reply
  5. Jenee C. wrote:

    What a great idea adding ramen for crunch. Must remember to try this.

    xx Jenee C.

    Posted 8.22.12 Reply
  6. Vanessa wrote:

    Oooh yum your post made me hungry~ <3
    Your blog is very cute and I enjoyed reading it~!

    ~ Vanessa

    Posted 8.22.12 Reply
  7. I know that sometimes due to stress it’s so hard to keep up with healthy and fresh food. I think your salad looks delicious and full of vitamins 🙂

    Love, Mary ♡ Fashionbirds

    Posted 8.22.12 Reply
  8. Neris wrote:

    so simple to make and I bet so tasty 🙂


    Fashion Fractions

    Posted 8.22.12 Reply