Skincare Tip: Go Sans Makeup

No Makeup

Unless I’m coming straight from a wax appointment, working out, laying by the pool and/or beach, or it’s a lazy Sunday, you’ll typically find me in makeup. I don’t wear extremely heavy makeup day to day, but I’ll certainly have foundation and/or concealer on, some bronzer/blush, mascara, you know, the basics. Well, when the stomach bug creeps up on you (pun intended…see what I did there?), you are certainly NOT putting on any makeup. I had a stomach bug a few days ago, and let me just tell you, I don’t wish that upon anyone, but in looking at the glass half full, aside from feeling skinnier (I guess that’s what 48 hours of barely eating does to you), my skin feels and looks pretty damn good right now! That’s what going sans makeup does for you.

Now, I’m not telling you to try to get a stomach bug so you can be couch ridden for 2 days without any makeup on. However, I am telling you to go sans makeup every so often. Whether you have a day off with no plans, a day you’re just running errands, or you’re on vacation and want to go fresh faced, go for it. Your skin will totally thank you. I know you sleep without any makeup on, but there’s a difference between a 6-8 hour sleep and a whole day or two without anything on the skin.

And that’s my skincare tip of the day. Go bare faced, and own it.



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