stop waiting…


Whether it’s losing weight, going to the gym, starting a blog, training for a marathon, keeping up with out of town friends and family more often, applying for new jobs because you thoroughly despise your current one, learning how to cook, organizing receipts, saving money, planning a trip, or really anything in between, why wait? There have been times I’ve wanted to do certain things, but I would wait and wait. And then, months later (or a year later), I would wish I already started to do them. Lately I’ve been trying to stay in the mindset that if I want to do something, I’m going to make it happen, and I’m not going to wait for the right time. The right time is now.


Leave a Comment


  1. Olivia wrote:

    I completely may be really really REALLY tough to stay motivated, but “you will regret tomorrow what you do not do today” Guess I’m hitting the gym later, haha!

    xo Olivia
    This Looks Good On You

    Posted 2.13.13 Reply
    • Julie wrote:

      Haha I’m with you on that one!! I always make excuses, but no more!! xo, Julie

      Posted 2.14.13 Reply
  2. alison wrote:

    This quote is just amazing! I am going to write it down and put it on my bulletin board of inspiration:) Thank you Julie!

    Posted 2.13.13 Reply
    • Julie wrote:

      Aw so glad!! I’m going to keep looking back at it, too!! xo, Julie

      Posted 2.14.13 Reply
  3. Jenn wrote:

    I love this quote. I think of it a lot when I’m trying to debate starting some new project. My dad also used to give me an old ann landers quote when I complained about how long something would take. So if I said something like “ughhh it’s going to take me 5 years to finish! I’ll be 30!” he would say “How old will you be in 5 years if you don’t finish?”
    He won every time.

    Posted 2.13.13 Reply
    • Julie wrote:

      Ah, LOVE your dads old quote, too! That’s a great one. So so true! xo, Julie

      Posted 2.14.13 Reply
  4. ashley wrote:

    Yes! Everyone needs this reminder… I need it about the gym. 🙂

    xo Ashley

    Posted 2.13.13 Reply
    • Julie wrote:

      Haha SAME!! xo, Julie

      Posted 2.14.13 Reply
  5. Natalie wrote:

    love this! so true!!

    Posted 2.13.13 Reply
    • Julie wrote:

      Agreed! xo, Julie

      Posted 2.14.13 Reply
  6. Rachel wrote:

    I completely agree with this and have taken on this mindset since the New Year! It has really helped me to think about getting things done… especially financially and getting healthy!

    Posted 2.13.13 Reply
    • Julie wrote:

      Yes, same!! Such a good quote to keep looking back on. xo, Julie

      Posted 2.14.13 Reply
  7. Corbynn wrote:

    I REALLY needed to hear this, so thank you!


    Posted 2.13.13 Reply
    • Julie wrote:

      Aw, you’re welcome! I needed to, also!! xo, Julie

      Posted 2.14.13 Reply
  8. Kristina wrote:

    This is advice I really need to start using – thanks!


    Kristina does the Internets

    Posted 2.13.13 Reply
    • Julie wrote:

      Aw, you’re welcome! I do, too! xo, Julie

      Posted 2.14.13 Reply
  9. Alyssa wrote:

    This is so true–I’m super busy, so I tend to get into the “tomorrow, tomorrow, tomorrow” mindset and I end up not making as much progress (in a bunch of different aspects) as I could if I just started TODAY. Love this!

    Posted 2.13.13 Reply
    • Julie wrote:

      SAME! Totally with you on that one! xo, Julie

      Posted 2.14.13 Reply
  10. daisy o wrote:

    this is exactly what i needed to read. something i already knew, but needed to see it. x

    & Pretty Things

    Posted 2.13.13 Reply
    • Julie wrote:

      Aw, good. SAME with me! xo, Julie

      Posted 2.14.13 Reply
  11. Rachel wrote:

    Sometimes you need a kick in the ass to get things done. This is where friends, family, boyfriends, etc. come into play. I’ve put myself is so many uncomfortable or stressful situations JUST so I could get something done, and it worked! It’s called tough love as I say 🙂

    Posted 2.13.13 Reply
    • Julie wrote:

      I totally agree with you!! xo, Julie

      Posted 2.14.13 Reply
  12. Anngelik wrote:

    I agree with you! This is motivation to get the stuff you need to get done, done!


    Posted 2.13.13 Reply
    • Julie wrote:

      Agreed!! xo, Julie

      Posted 2.14.13 Reply
  13. This post comes at such a great time for me, I’m really hating my job right now and I’ve been thinking about leaving and focusing my time on something I actually enjoy. I know I’d be happy to look back on that decision a year from now.

    xoxo jen

    Posted 2.13.13 Reply
    • Julie wrote:

      Aw, well there ya go! Hope you find a job you love soon! xo, Julie

      Posted 2.14.13 Reply
  14. Emily wrote:

    So, so true! I’ve fallen victim to waiting too. “Tomorrow” always sounds more appealing (and easier) but sometimes you just have to dive in! Thanks for the reminder.
    Isn’t That Charming.

    Posted 2.13.13 Reply
    • Julie wrote:

      I totally agree!! xo, Julie

      Posted 2.14.13 Reply
  15. Such a great reminder, it’s so true!

    xo, Yi-chia
    Always Maylee

    Posted 2.13.13 Reply
    • Julie wrote:

      Agreed!! xo, Julie

      Posted 2.14.13 Reply
  16. Courtney wrote:

    You have such a great attitude!

    Posted 2.14.13 Reply
    • Julie wrote:

      Aw, thank you!! Not always, but I try haha! xo, Julie

      Posted 2.14.13 Reply
  17. MFJ wrote:

    So true! Thank you for that.

    Posted 2.14.13 Reply
    • Julie wrote:

      Of course!! It’s a quote to always look back at! xo, Julie

      Posted 2.14.13 Reply
  18. Miranda wrote:

    This is soooo true!!


    Posted 2.14.13 Reply
    • Julie wrote:

      Right?!! Crazy! xo, Julie

      Posted 2.14.13 Reply
  19. vicky wrote:

    hey hun
    Happy Valentine’s Day!!!!!
    I just found your blog ans I love it!
    really cute lay out and interestig post!
    Check my blog if you want and maybe we can follow each other:)
    I have also a GIVEAWAY hosted in my blog!

    Posted 2.14.13 Reply
  20. Great advice and rarely do you do this and look back disappointed.
    Thank you for visiting my blog. 😉
    Your newest follower,

    Posted 2.16.13 Reply