
My absolute favorite day of the entire year is, hands down, Thanksgiving. While I do love the endless supply of delicious food, it’s not JUST the food I get excited for. We always do a pretty big Thanksgiving with tons of my extended family, and it is just the perfect day. We don’t even do anything that special. We relax, watch TV, drink, eat, laugh, play pool, sit by the fireplace, sit on the deck, and enjoy each other’s company. Something about the day just makes me so happy. I wait for it every year, and when it comes I feel so content.

Something my mom does every time she hosts Thanksgiving is has everyone go around the table and say what they are thankful for. It’s a bit cheesy, but I love it, and it makes the day complete. This year, aside from being thankful for my family, friends, fiancé, and health, which alway top my list, I have some other (not so obvious and not all so serious) things I’m thankful for that I’m sharing with you today.


…laughing until my stomach hurts

…living in the same city as my parents

…all of you amazing readers

…diet coke

…deep conversations with close girlfriends

…date nights with Matthew

…phone calls with long distance friends

…my jobs


…sunny days

…rainy nights

…the past because it got me to where I am now

…finding what I believe to be real happiness

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  1. Fredda wrote:

    Julie, I love your honesty ! Thanksgiving is my most favorite holiday as well!!!! Weather is cold, hopefully, my family is together, the best food, especially the amazing desserts , leaves changing and the best movies are out to enjoy with your family!!!!

    Posted 11.22.13 Reply
  2. Myra Bortnick wrote:

    Hope to see you on Thanksgiving! Love, Aunt Myra

    Posted 11.23.13 Reply
  3. Bobbie wrote:

    We are grateful to Matthew for bringing you into our family. You are a lovely young woman with many wonderful qualities , and the more we are with you , the more we love you and respect you.

    Posted 11.23.13 Reply