An Interview with Monica Abney of Classy & Fabulous


One of the things I absolutely love about blogging is some of the amazing people I’ve met through it. Monica Abney is not only an incredible blogger and extremely talented fashion illustrator, but she is also a dear friend of mine, so you can imagine my excitement today as I am featuring her in this installment of ‘The Interview Series.’ Monica is one of the most passionate people I know (which can be easily seen on her blog, Classy & Fabulous), and she has a heart of gold. Keep reading for some fun facts about Monica, including why she started blogging, who she would love to trade closets with, and what inspires her.

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FPTP: What made you decide to start a blog?

MA: After my plans of going to vet school didn’t work out, I needed some time to clear my head to find out what to do next. I decided to start a blog after watching E! news during fashion week. They were talking about this new group of girls who were going to shows named fashion bloggers. I checked out the early blogs ( Man Repeller, The Blonde Salad, etc ) and decided that a blog might be a good way to clear my mind. I’ve loved fashion my entire life so creating the blog was very refreshing after a time of disappointment. At first the blog was just a hobby while I was looking for a job (or even considering going back to school for a masters degree), but surprisingly C&F grew enough to become my full time job! I still can’t believe I am lucky enough to do what I love and that be my job.

FPTP: When did you start sketching?

MA: Since I was very little drawing, painting and sketching were my outlets. I was an only child until I was 11 and combined with being very shy, I tended to stay inside my room and draw things that I imagined, from stories, to even things from magazines (like I said, I’ve always loved fashion). I kept drawing and painting until high school, but I stopped during college.  It wasn’t until I started C&F and began sketching my favorite looks from fashion week, when my fashion illustrator ‘career’ started. People loved them and they asked  where they could get them, and the rest is history!

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FPTP: What is your favorite thing to sketch?

MA: Anything from couture, I love big gowns with movement. I also love sketching anything Chanel,  especially Chanel no5 bottles.

FPTP: What inspires you?

MA: Random things inspire me. It is weird. I feel like sometimes I could have all the elements to be inspired (amazing place, great atmosphere, phenomenal materials) and I just can’t get inspired, but later I can be in the car and I just have a craving to create something, like I said I am weird hee hee hee!

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FPTP: If you could trade closets with anyone who would it be?

MA: Olivia Palermo or Miroslava Duma – they both have amazing style!

FPTP: Favorite twitter account you follow?

MA: @JulieLauren14 Duh! @OscarPRgirl @RachelZoe @GaranceDore @TheLSD @womensweardaily @vogue @bergdorfs

FPTP: Awww, thanks Monica!

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One of the photos from when Monica was featured on The Coveteur 

FPTP: Favorite instagram account you follow?

MA: @JulieLauren14 again DUH! @GaranceDore @thecoveteur @manrepeller @bfa_nyc  @bergdorfs @evachen212 @NatachaSteven and so many more!!!!

FPTP: Aww again, thanks Monica!

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FPTP: Advice you have for someone wanting to start a blog?

MA: Don’t start a blog to be famous or to get free stuff. Do it because you love doing it, that way you enjoy doing what you do and it will show in your work!

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FPTP: How do you think blogging has changed since you started many years ago?

MA: When I started no one knew what blogging was, and it was just a few of us. Now it is actually rare to not have some kind of blog.

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FPTP: When you’re not blogging or sketching, what are you doing?

MA: I love hanging out with my husband and dog Sicily, I also love to travel and try to do it as much as I can.

Thanks, Monica!

All images c/o Classy & Fabulous.

Make sure to check out Monica’s blog HERE 


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  1. Reina wrote:

    Great interview. Enjoyed it!

    Posted 2.6.14 Reply