An Interview with Angeli Tarsadia Reddy of SIX TWENTY


I don’t know about you, but I absolutely love to read interviews with inspiring people. Whether it’s a successful blogger, entrepreneur, fashion designer, interior designer, chef, event planner, or anyone else who has a great story to tell and words of wisdom to share, it’s always fascinating. I’m so excited to introduce a new series on the blog that will include interviews with fabulous people in the aforementioned categories. I’m kicking off the series today with Angeli Tarsadia Reddy, who is a twenty something girl who started a company that provides the answer to ‘I need great quality basics at an affordable price. Where can I find them?’ She realized there was something missing out there. We all love basics, we live in basics. Whether we wear them alone or under blazers, jackets, and other layers, it’s a staple in most of our wardrobes. Unfortunately, we can’t all spend an arm and a leg on those basics. That’s where SIX TWENTY comes in. They bring you great quality product at a great price (sold exclusively online). And, with that, let’s kick off the series.

FPTP: What is the story behind SIX TWENTY?

ATR: SIX TWENTY was created for busy women who want high quality clothing without the high price tag. We created the company for the high school student, the working woman, the aspiring fashionista, and everyone in between. SIX TWENTY is as versatile as our customers because these women know the importance of basics in their wardrobe. Our customers also take pride in the fact that their clothing is made in the USA and is not one of millions.


What inspired you to start SIX TWENTY?

The inspiration to start SIX TWENTY came out of my frustration of going through racks and racks at the department store and paying $100 for a designer top. Although I loved the final product, I knew that there had to be another way. So I set out to cut through the clutter and founded SIX TWENTY.

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Most exciting moment since you’ve started the company?

The moment that we sold our first tee, it finally hit me that I was finally doing this thing. This dream of mine had finally become a reality.

Biggest challenge you’ve faced, thus far?

It would definitely be finding the best fabric for our Classix collection. It took us over a year to find the perfect fabric. We decided on a blend of modal and supima cotton, which gives our tees a super soft feel while maintaining its durability factor. Overall, starting a business is an emotional rollercoaster, there are good days and there are bad days. All in all, you have to be resilient and continue to dream big.


If you could trade closets with anyone, who would it be?

It would definitely be Gwyneth Paltrow, she has the best taste.


Favorite Twitter account you follow?

Mindy Kaling, she is hilarious.

Favorite Instagram account you follow?

Mija_Mija. Her photos are beautiful and they capture this wonderful mix of minimalism and laid back California lifestyle.


Something people would be surprised to learn about you?

I would say that I’m pretty adventurous when it comes to trying new types of food. I will try anything once!

Advice you have for someone starting their own company?

My advice for anyone looking to start their own company is to have a strategy in place before launching. Be sure you define your brand voice, understand your target market, and research your competitors so you know how you will stand out from the crowd.

Head on over to to browse the product, and make sure to follow SIX TWENTY on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter.

All images c/o SIX TWENTY. 

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  1. Myra Bortnick wrote:

    Great concept and good advice. Nice to see a successful self starter at a young age!

    Posted 9.17.13 Reply
  2. Reina wrote:

    Great interview! Very inspiring!!!

    Posted 9.17.13 Reply
  3. Bree wrote:

    Fabulous interview! Sounds like they make great quality products!

    Posted 9.17.13 Reply
  4. amy wrote:

    i love how casual but chic these tops are! definitely my style. i’ll have to check out the site!

    Posted 9.18.13 Reply
  5. Lauren wrote:

    Loved reading this! Thanks for sharing! Hugs from Cali! xx The Golden Girls

    Posted 9.18.13 Reply
  6. MFJ wrote:

    Great interview! I like that the clothes are made in the USA.

    Posted 10.3.13 Reply