The Lineup


from left to right:

I think it’s so neat that old gas stations are being converted into hip restaurants.

There are some very cool science and technology innovations coming up this year, such as an underground hotel.

An interesting 2-minute productivity rule.

For those wondering why New Year’s resolutions can sometimes fail.

I’m still getting my home office together, and I enjoyed this piece on some necessities for anyone who works from their house.

What would you do for a month with (almost) no Internet?

I’d love to make these delicious looking breakfast slab pies.

I would love to be at this insane Malibu beach cottage right now, especially with that perfect fire pit.

Every other day I am getting makeup on my collar, and I wonder how I never thought to do this?

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  1. Monica wrote:

    All great links… but i don’t think i could survive with out internet… I know i am an attick

    Posted 1.1.14 Reply
  2. Happy happy new year! xox

    Posted 1.2.14 Reply