Thoughts From My Desk: Age With a Positive Outlook

Birthday Cake

Age. It’s an interesting thing. As I mentioned, I turned 29 on the 14th. 29. How can I be 29? I feel like I was turning 21 yesterday. Time flies faster than I ever imagined possible.

When I was 21, 30 seemed SO old. Now that I’m almost 30, it doesn’t seem so bad. I’m excited for my 30s. I’m not rushing the last year of my 20s, but I’m also not nervous for my 30s. I know this isn’t the first time you’re hearing this, but age is JUST a number. It truly is. It’s all about how you feel. Your (hopefully positive) energy. Your mindset.

I can’t tell you how often I’ve been around people who are so upset they are turning another year older. But if you think about it – what is the other alternative? Not to go dark here, but you know what I’m getting at.

This whole thing goes along with having a positive outlook and not worrying about things you simply cannot change. Now, tell me, what is the point of stressing over the fact that you’re another year older or that you’re not getting any younger? Exactly. You can’t do anything about this, so why worry? Why not just enjoy life, enjoy your age, enjoy that you’re getting ‘older and wiser.’

When I was younger, I didn’t know who the heck I was as a person. I was all over the place. Now that I’m older, well, I still don’t know who I am (kidding!!), I have a much more clear version of who I am, what I want, what works for me, and so on. That’s a good thing that comes with age. As well, your relationships can change and evolve for the better as you get older. You realize who your true friends are and you also may come to realize (as I have) that you don’t need 72 best friends. You need a few incredible ones and that might be enough. Again, that is something good that comes with age. And wine. You can have as much wine as you want and no one will judge you. Ok, well people MIGHT judge you, but who cares. Wine!

A positive outlook can change everything. Remember that the next time your birthday rolls around. And have a happy happy one with lots of cake (and doughnuts)!


image c/o Joy the Baker


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  1. Monica wrote:

    I confess I am one of the people whouse to get depress on birthdays. It all started at 25 because my life wasn’t going as I planed but recently I realized that everything happens for a reason. And everyone has his and her own times. I remember thinking how my parents were so successful in their careers by their mid 20’s and how I didn’t. But now I look back and that was just not the way my life was ment to go.

    Thanks for always sharing your positive energy!


    Posted 1.26.15 Reply