Thoughts From My Desk: Blah Days


Have you ever had one of those days that just kind of fall into the ‘blah’ category? Of course you have. We all have. And if you haven’t, what’s your secret?

Having those sub par days are necessary. It’s not that we should wish for ‘blah’ days, but they are crucial (or so I believe) to our state of being.

Think about it. If you never ever have a crappy day, you’ll never know how to navigate a crappy day nor will you have appreciation for those great days. If every single day of your life is great with no complaints, when a not so great day comes you might have a melt down.

A couple Fridays ago I had one of those ‘blah’ days. Typically my Fridays are a tad quieter than Monday-Thursday. One of my jobs I go into an office, for about half the week. My other job is one I do from home. And Friday’s tend to be somewhat quiet. It just so happened that this particular Friday didn’t require too much from me in terms of my jobs. I’m sure you’re all thinking ‘uh that’s amazing, why are you complaining?’ It’s not that I was or I am complaining, it’s just that I kind of felt like I had nothing productive to do after 12 noon (I mean unless you call mindless errands productive). So, I figured I’d take advantage of this rare case. I sat on my couch, turned on my TV, and continued my 24 marathon (if you follow me on Twitter you know I’m re watching every single episode of 24 before the season premiere in May – yes, that’s a lot of Jack Bauer, and I love it).

A few hours into my couch time, I started feeling sluggish. Sluggish in (what I thought was) a negative way. I felt real blah. I’m talking so blah that I ended up canceling my Friday night plans because I didn’t have the energy to go. I went to bed at 10 and couldn’t wait to sleep that day off.

Saturday morning I woke up and all was back to normal. It was almost like Friday never happened. I was in a great mood and all was well again in the world.

I realized that those bad days are so very important. With the help of my therapist (yes, I have a therapist, and if you don’t, you totally should – even if you think you have all your shit together), I realized that those terribly sluggish days are just a way of your body telling you to stop. It’s a reminder that you need to just relax sometimes. Life is crazy, and sometimes we get so caught up in the thick of it we forget to breathe.

This is me telling you that next time you have a crappy day, embrace it. Don’t freak out. Don’t panic. If it means you cancelling your plans or even taking a personal day from work, then so be it. Don’t push yourself further than your body is willing to go. Life is a nutty, crazy rollercoaster ride, and there are times you just need to get off and take a break. And through it all…don’t forget to smile; it helps.

P.S. I am clearly not a licensed therapist. These thoughts are my own. If you feel you have too many of those sluggish days in a row, it may be necessary to seek further help and work through it. xo, Julie

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  1. Myra Bortnick wrote:

    Well said Julie! Life is short and we all need to decompress sometimes!

    Posted 2.24.14 Reply