Thoughts From My Desk: Gossip


gossip (noun): casual or unconstrained conversation or reports about other people, typically involving details that are not confirmed as being true.

We have all gossiped. At one point or another in our lives, I know that every single one of us has taken part in a gossip session (probably many gossip sessions, for that matter). It’s only natural. I admit I have. I hate that I have, but I have.

Matthew and I got into a conversation about gossip (and how it’s far too prevalent where we live) a couple weeks ago, and I keep thinking about it. I’ve realized gossip can only go as far as you let it. If you’re with a friend who starts to gossip, you can choose to continue doing so, or you can change the conversation. It’s really up to you.

No matter what, gossip always comes off as negative. Sometimes even spiteful and rude. And it’s simply not fair. It’s not fair to the person you are ‘gossiping’ about, and it’s not fair to the person you’re ‘gossiping’ with. It brings about negative energy, and nothing good ever comes from negative energy.

It’s totally ok, perfectly fine in fact, to not like everyone and to not agree with what everyone does or says. However, there’s a difference between simply disagreeing or disapproving and downright being rude about it in the form of gossip or bad mouthing.

Because, in the end, who the hell cares what she bought or said or did or dated or ate? It’s her life, not yours. It’s her decisions, not yours. It shouldn’t affect you.

I understand that when these said things do affect you, it, most of the time, comes from insecurities (apparent or deep rooted). When I say you I mean all of us (myself included). It’s best to not let these insecurities get the very worst of you.

I’ve gossiped. We all have. However, I don’t like to. I truly loathe it. It makes me feel gross, and anytime I’m involved in gossip, I feel shitty afterwards and like a negative cloud surrounds me. I know gossip is normal, but I truly wish it wasn’t. Next time you’re about to gossip about someone, take a second to stop and think why. There’s so much more to life than gossip. I promise! Conversations can be (should be) deeper than talking about other peoples’ lives. I mean, we could talk about Homeland and how I miss seeing Quinn on my TV screen every Sunday…let’s start there. #notdeepbutitsok #quinnissohot #sorrymatthew

Maybe if we all try to limit the gossip to a bare minimum the world will be a happier place. Let’s try it, shall we?


image source: the glamourai 

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