Thoughts From My Desk: Success

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I’ve been thinking about success a lot lately, and Megan and I got into a lengthy conversation about it over lunch on Saturday, as well. It’s common that when one thinks about success, they automatically think about it in regards to money. Lots of money? Successful! Small salary? Unsuccessful! And while that is how I’ve typically thought about success in the past, it’s really so much more than that. Sure, finances are a way to measure success, but that’s not what it’s all about. In fact, that’s only a small sliver of it. And taking it a step further, when is it enough?

As soon as we reach a certain milestone or benchmark in our careers, it’s automatically Ok what’s next? I got the promotion, but I need more. For me, personally, I’ve noticed (it’s also been pointed out to me) that I downplay a lot of what I’ve done and brush it off because I have these lofty goals in my mind so it can sometimes be tunnel vision for me. Yes, this may have happened to me, but until THAT happens to me, nothing else is a big deal. When in reality, ‘this’ was a big deal, and I should be happy and proud.

It’s not that I’m downplaying goals. Goals are GREAT to have (I have plenty). And I’m also not saying that ambition is a bad thing. At all. In fact, I think ambition is one of THE most attractive qualities in a person. However, I am saying, I think we, as a whole, need to enjoy our successes along the way, even if they are ‘smaller.’ That whole saying It’s not about the destination, it’s about the journey is something to think about in terms of your work life. If we’re only looking at the destination (i.e. – getting on the TODAY Show, becoming CEO, etc) the years aren’t only going to be wasted away, but the little moments are going to be missed. And the little moments are some of the very best. In those little moments we can learn about ourselves so much and learn how to be a better person, employee, employer. You can (and should) still work your ass off and keep trying harder and doing better, BUT you should also take time every now and then to stop and enjoy those successes in between (and pat yourself on the back, because I bet you deserve it).

I’m trying my hardest to really enjoy the small successes, the moments in between. I’m trying my hardest to be really fucking proud of myself for what I’ve accomplished and achieved in my life, thus far. I’m trying really hard to not downplay what I do. Like I’ve said time and time again, I’m a work in progress. Aren’t we all?

I want to turn the question around to you. Tell me – how do you define success and what does it mean to you? Would LOVE to hear in the comments below or shoot me an email.


Image: Death to Stock



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