Thoughts From My Desk: The Little Things


Life is a roller coaster ride. There are ups, there are downs, and there are sharp turns. There are days life moves fast and there are days life moves at a snails pace. Sometimes through life’s craziness, there are times we forget to stop and take it all in. There are times we forget to sit back and enjoy the little moments. The little things.

It’s easy to get caught up in a routine, but sometimes we need to remind ourselves to pause. Yesterday, Matthew and I decided to take a day off and ‘get away’ together. We went to the lake to have a date day. We spent hours on the boat, drinking our favorite wine, eating our favorite sandwiches, listening to our favorite music, and just enjoying quality time together.

We live together, so of course we are with each other daily. However, we both have insanely busy and sometimes unpredictable work schedules, and we don’t get to have dates as often as we would like. We didn’t do anything special yesterday – just spent a day alone together, and it was perfect. And our impromptu dance party wasn’t too shabby either.

Sometimes I’ll be driving and one of those songs comes on…you know those songs that immediately lift you up and transport you somewhere else. I take those 2-3 minutes and take it all in. It’s a little thing, and it’s not a big deal, but it allows me to reflect.

There are also times I’ll be at the grocery, and as I’m picking up my essentials I’ll stumble upon gorgeous flowers. I’ll put them out throughout our loft, and just seeing them around our place makes me happy. Again, it’s just a little thing, but I love it.

Other little things that are truly little, not super significant, things would be: going to the art supply store and stocking up on craft essentials (new washi tape and pretty paper, I’m talking to you), a glass of wine after a long day of work, an at home manicure, folding clean, warm laundry just out of the dryer, when my favorite movies happen to be on as I turn on the TV and get in bed at night, and many more. These are just a few, but it’s my reminder to you to stop and take it all in, and enjoy the little moments.

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  1. Andi wrote:

    Perfect little Monday “pick-me-up!” Love this!

    Posted 2.10.14 Reply