Thoughts From My Desk: Therapy

Thoughts From My Desk_Therapy

If you’ve been a long time reader of FPTP (thank you!) and/or if you know me in real life, you know I’m pretty much an open book. You ask me something. I’ll answer. There’s not much I won’t tell you. You’ve seen me talk about plenty of deeper things here in my little corner of the web, mostly in these Thoughts From My Desk posts, and while some people might think I share a bit too much, I share what I share because if it helps or inspires or motivates or encourages even just one person, then I’m happy. SO, after that introduction, here goes today’s post!

Therapy. A ways back having a therapist was such a ‘taboo’ thing. If you had a therapist, the thought was that you were absolutely certifiably crazy. Fast forward to now, and therapy is common and quite ‘normal.’ In fact, my personal opinion on that matter is that everyone should be required to have a therapist at some point or another in their life. Therapists are the best. I have one, and I’m not ashamed. I love my therapist.

Therapists are sounding boards. They are completely and totally objective. They give you an outsider’s point of view and opinion. You don’t need to have ‘issues’ or problems to seek therapy. But let’s be real, we all have ‘issues’…don’t deny it, people! I just like chatting with my therapist, talking to her about what’s going on. Getting her advice and opinions on things. Therapists have been schooled in this field, so they know their stuff. They allow you to see other sides of things and it’s honestly just fun talking to mine. Or maybe I just like hearing myself talk, and in therapy, you get to talk a lot. Who knows!

Moral of this little story is that therapy is OK. It’s more than OK. It’s great. It’s normal. It’s necessary (or so I think). If you’ve been on the fence about therapy, I urge you to chat with a therapist. Even just once. Or if you’re embarrassed about it, DON’T BE. Most people you know have gone or are going to therapists, I promise.

Cheers to therapists! (and Zoloft!)


image borrowed from

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  1. Monica wrote:

    So true! Sometimes you need some perspective from a third party!

    Posted 5.18.15 Reply