Tips on How to Stay Fit and Healthy This Time of Year

Without fail, this time of year I always eat more than I should. But that’s what makes holiday time so special, right?! Between holiday parties and various events, it can be difficult to stay fit and healthy throughout the last part of the year. You don’t want to completely sabotage the healthy regimen you’ve been on all year, but you also want to enjoy yourself. While these tips may not be anything new or groundbreaking, they work for me, and hopefully they’ll serve as a great reminder to you, as well!

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1. Get outside and change up the physical activity you’ve been doing. Given this CRAZY  ‘not normal’ winter weather we’ve all been experiencing (I hear it’s in the 60s in New York…what?!), you should take advantage and go for a run or brisk walk outside. And if it is, in fact, freezing where you live, just bundle up and go on your run, then treat yourself with a piping hot coffee or hot chocolate afterwards. If being active outside is just not your thing, you can still spice things up in the workout department. Do you usually stick to spinning? Great, but try a kickboxing class or Pilates or something else. Change things up and you’ll get more excited to break a sweat!


2. Make a plan and put it in your calendar. Every Sunday, I look at my schedule for the week ahead and figure out when I’ll be working out and what workout I’ll be doing. I belong to a gym and I have a package at a spin/yoga studio, so I look at the schedules at both of those for the week ahead, decide what I’m doing, and write it down/put it in my phone’s calendar. When it’s written down (and I know you’ve heard this before), you treat it more like an appointment or a meeting you can’t miss. This time of year, with more parties and plans than normal, it’s even more important to write it down and stick to the plan, and then enjoy yourself afterwards, but be sure to break that sweat first.


3. Work on your playlists. If I’m not taking a class, I tend to do the elliptical or attempt to run. And if I’m doing either of those things, I NEED good music. It can’t be just any old song; I need songs that pump me up and make me feel good. Otherwise, I lack the motivation. Sometimes I prefer to watch YouTube videos, and if that’s the case, I make sure there are a few good ones that will keep me entertained throughout the duration of my workout.


4. Eat as healthy as possible whenever you can (so you can then indulge a bit at parties and when you’re out with friends). I am all for indulging. I think depriving yourself of ‘the good stuff’ is a recipe for disaster. We all know what happens when you deprive yourself. You’ll then cave in, and rather than just having a taste, you’ll binge, and get mad at yourself, and it’s just a vicious cycle. SO, allow yourself to eat the holiday cookies or the gingerbread house, in moderation. I’m not saying to eat every last cookie on the plate, but enjoy it. AND DON’T feel bad afterwards. With all that being said, it means you should really try your hardest to eat healthy whenever you can. During the week, really focus on healthy lunches and dinners and mindful snacking, so when the weekend comes or the party is here, you can enjoy yourself and not feel guilty.

Hope you’re enjoying the holiday season!!

Images: Death to the Stock Photo

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