Top 10 // Reasons I’m Excited for Fall and Winter

I love the fall and winter seasons. Fall is probably my favorite. It’s not that I don’t love summer (and spring), as well, because I do! There is just something about fall. Even though it’s, by no means, the beginning of the year, it always feels like a new beginning, a fresh start, a clean slate. It also likely has something to do with the fact that Thanksgiving has always been and will always be my all time favorite holiday. There’s just something about the season that makes me want to spend extra time cozying up inside. Granted, it was 90 degrees here in Houston today, so fall hasn’t totally hit, BUT I’m still pumped for whats in store in the coming months. And, with that, I give you  my top 10 reasons I’m excited for fall and winter (in no particular order).

Apple Picking

Apple Picking. There is no activity that is MORE fall than apple picking. Every year I say I’ll go and I don’t, but THIS year. This is the year. I can’t wait to get loads of apples and then come home and bake (or attempt to bake) a scrumptious apple pie. 

Christmas Lights

Christmas lights. Last year, Matthew and two of our friends went on an outing scouting out all the gorgeous Christmas lights in the area. OMG. It was heavenly. We blasted Christmas songs in the car and just drove for hours. 

Cozy Socks

Cozy socks. Oh how I love thee. When it’s too hot outside I can’t have anything heavy on my feet inside or I’ll be sweating like it’s nobody’s business. BUT when it gets cold, slippers and socks go on my feet at all times.

Dark Nail Polish

Dark nail polish. Of course you can wear dark colors year round, and sometimes I do, but once the fall and winter months hit, I pull out my favorite dark shades and filter them into my nail polish color rotation quite frequently. 


Relaxing by the fireplace. There is nothing I love more. We don’t have a fireplace in our loft, but when we go up to CT in the cooler months, you can bet your tushy I am parked at that fireplace with either hot chocolate or wine (let’s be real, most likely wine) in hand. I don’t think I ever look as chic as the girl above, but that’s neither here nor there.


Foliage. The changing colors of the leaves is breathtaking to me. I think its fascinating and beautiful and I just love it so much. 

Hot Chocolate

Hot chocolate. Even though I typically favor wine over hot chocolate (well, over any drink really), I still love a delicious hot cocoa with tons of marshmallows. YUM. / Photo credit : Lovisa Photo


Layering. When it gets cold enough to layer I’m a happy girl. Layering is totally my jam.


Soup. I could eat soup year round, even when it’s 100 degrees out, BUT there is something about it when it’s actually ‘soup weather.’ A massive pot of soup on a cold winter night? Uh, heaven.


And like I said above, Thanksgiving has always been and will always be my absolute favorite holiday. It’s simply the best.

I’d love to know…what are you most excited for this fall and winter? Do tell (in the comment section below)!

images: apple picking/christmas lights/cozy socks/dark nail polish/relaxing by the fireplace/foliage/hot chocolate/layering/soup/thanksgiving

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  1. Monica wrote:

    Oh me too!!! If only the weather would represent the season!

    Posted 10.8.14 Reply
    • Julie wrote:

      Finally today it’s feeling like fall!!

      Posted 10.13.14 Reply
  2. Deanna wrote:

    My favorite thing is leaving freezing cold, snowy, windyChicago for 2+ months in Mexico!

    Posted 10.10.14 Reply
    • Julie wrote:

      Perfection!!!! xo

      Posted 10.13.14 Reply