Update on (my version of) Whole30: Week 4 (final update)

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Well, here we are, at the end of February, at the end of (my version of) the Whole30. Make sure to check out my Week 1, Week 2, and Week 3 updates before checking out this one, as this one will be slightly different from those. 

Ok, so I’m just going to be real. I’m going to keep it VERY real.

I don’t recommend the Whole30.

I’m sure I’ll hear TONS of backlash on this one, but that’s ok. We’re all entitled to our opinions, right?

Anyway, I basically failed at the Whole30…or did it fail me? 😉 The thing is, I can understand the benefits of doing the Whole30 to find out what you might be allergic or intolerant to, to see how you feel without certain foods and ingredients, so forth and so on. In fact, my good friend’s brother did it and he found out he was severely allergic to soy from doing Whole30. SO, it’s certainly not a BAD thing in all instances.

I’m glad I did it. I really am. From doing it (and, again, as I keep mentioning in these update posts, I did my version of it…I know I didn’t follow it perfectly), I feel I am more aware of what I put in my mouth, I’m aware of good and ‘bad’ ingredients and foods. I really think before I eat. I’m more AWARE, which, in general, is great.

HOWEVER, what I knew prior to doing this little ‘experiment’ and what has been reinforced even more now, is that to deprive yourself of anything is never good. Never. Moderation is KEY in a healthy lifestyle (at least in my opinion). No foods should be off limits. While I don’t like to go for the bread basket at dinner, and from doing Whole30 I’m even more cognizant of it, if I am really craving a piece of bread, I’ll have it. I’ll have the damn piece of bread.

While I do understand from reading all about Whole30 why certain foods aren’t allowed during the program, I don’t think it’s something one should keep up for a while. Reason being, plain and simple, if you completely deprive yourself of something for a period of time, you’ll eventually cave and eat it after craving it at some point or another, and you’ll then either binge completely and eat far too much or your body just won’t know how to process it. However, if you had just allowed yourself to have a couple bites of cake from the start, all would be OK.

I know there are LOTS of different opinions on dieting, healthy eating, and ‘good’ and ‘bad’ foods, in general, and I’m not trying to push my opinion onto anyone else. I’m simply stating how I feel after attempting to do the Whole30.

So, the bottom lines here are 1. You should totally try Whole30 if you really want to (but, of course, consult a physician beforehand… I feel like I need to say that to cover my ass?). 2. I don’t see myself ever attempting the Whole30 again, but I totally respect those who do! 3. I feel eating everything in moderation is the BEST way to live a healthy lifestyle and to look good from the inside out. Deprivation and dieting…bad bad bad. 4. Working out is super duper important, so don’t forget that little component, too. 5. I’m not a Registered Dietitian, by any means, but this is how I feel on the matter at hand.

Cool? Cool!

Peace out, Whole30. I’m so done with you. xo Julie

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  1. Rachel wrote:

    That was said so perfectly!!

    Posted 2.29.16 Reply
  2. Lauren wrote:

    Love Love Love this!!!! Moderation is what makes healthy living a success!!!

    Posted 3.1.16 Reply