Work it Out


Up until about 5 weeks ago, I literally can’t tell you the last time I was in a gym. Yes, I tried out Pure Barre and various other classes here and there, but overall, I did not have any sort of workout regimen happening in my life. When I’d be at the Doc for a physical I would be asked how active I was, and my answer was always, ‘uh inactive, actually.’ No joke. I’m not sure why. A lack of motivation maybe. Or I just didn’t find it fun. Whatever the case may be, I’ve done a 180, and I’m very proud of myself, if I do say so myself (*pats self on back*).

About 5 weeks ago, I started with a trainer at Fit Athletic Club in Houston. I see my trainer (who I like to call my new best friend/psychologist/he’s totally cute and single, I’d love to set you up) 2-3 times a week, and on the off days I either do a class at the gym or 30-45 minutes on a machine of some sort. My goal is to workout 5-6 days/week. Thanks to said trainer, I have a new found love for the gym and for working out. I’m kind of obsessed (and I totally hate using that word, but I’m not sure how else to describe it).

It’s not just the fact that losing weight and toning up totally rocks, but I just feel GOOD. I’m clearly not telling you something new; we all know working out can help lower blood pressure, stress and anxiety levels, is good for the heart, and for your overall health. I’m so happy I’m back on the working out bandwagon, and I don’t plan to get off of it any time soon.

As I get closer to my wedding day (less than 2 months – holy geeze) and as I get older (turning 29 in January, people!), I feel its time to REALLY take care of myself, mentally and physically. Since starting this ultra fab workout regimen, I feel happier, less anxious, and generally really GOOD. I’m also starting to see some (as in very little) definition! Who knew I had muscles?! Apparently I kind of sort of DO (key words being ‘kind of’ and ‘sort of’)! And let’s be real, cute workout clothes = good motivation, too (current favorites come from the Zella line at Nordstrom).

Working Out Motivation 1

Working Out Motivation 2

Working Out Motivation 3

Working Out Motivation 4

Working Out Motivation 5

All images via Pinterest

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  1. Awesome! I hope you’ll find another motivation after the wedding. Maybe keep looking hotter and hotter for your hubby :).

    Posted 4.27.14 Reply
  2. Monica wrote:

    You look amazing and I feel you about the age thing. I am also turning 29 soon (yikes!) so i been trying to get in shape too! I wish i could say that i am obsess with it but i am still not a huge fan, but thanks to your post i feel more motivated. I am actually saving the first one on my phone and look at it every time i don’t feel like working out. Thanks for the motivation!


    Posted 4.28.14 Reply
  3. Oxana wrote:
    Posted 4.28.14 Reply
  4. Alyssa wrote:

    Yay for you, lady! I think everyone goes through ups and downs when it comes to working out. Usually, it’s the first thing to fall off my list when I get super busy or overwhelmed (even though it should really be the LAST), but I’ve been making an effort to be better lately, too.

    Posted 4.28.14 Reply
  5. Great story! Isn’t amazing how much of a turn around you can make once you change your relationship with exercising?
    I was able to transform myself once I committed to a sustained and regular workout program.
    Keep up the great work!

    Posted 4.16.15 Reply